Claiming a search engine as a source for a newspaper article would be like citing your car as a source in a research paper because it took you to the library.
Actually, my ISP’s DNS server doesn’t have listed - it redirects to the “did you spell it right?” page… However… (ahem) GOOGLE does! the actual URL, is of course, the official Shoe comics website as Joe-Allen says
sjoujke almost 15 years ago
You Googled the White House dog? That kind of tactic doesn’t go anywhere but downhill.
Yukoner almost 15 years ago
Is that why, in the last panel, he looks google eyed?
policelimit Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Claiming a search engine as a source for a newspaper article would be like citing your car as a source in a research paper because it took you to the library.
ben_david almost 15 years ago
Did you know you can actually go to for followups to the strip?
poppy1313 almost 15 years ago
So much for not revealing your source.. no whistle blowers will trust you now… If they ever did :0)
NE1956 almost 15 years ago
Google was my 2nd guess. Wikipedia was my 1st.
RadioTom almost 15 years ago
Actually, my ISP’s DNS server doesn’t have listed - it redirects to the “did you spell it right?” page… However… (ahem) GOOGLE does! the actual URL, is of course, the official Shoe comics website as Joe-Allen says
DerekA almost 15 years ago
Joe - that was a great link and leads to some other nice humor they put in that paper - Thanks,
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
My paper didn’t run the first two panels today. I had no idea why Cosmo was in trouble until I got here.
policelimit Premium Member almost 15 years ago
double cuffs
JP Steve Premium Member almost 15 years ago
French cuffs?