Mark Twain was on target when he said “American has no native criminal class … with the possible exception of Congress.”
I have long wondered why Washington gets cold weather and snow and ice with all that hot air, but then I discovered that the politicians aren’t there often enough for their hot air to localize. Instead, they are spreading it around – They are causing Global Warming!
There was a polotician who lived a good life. he loved his wife, family and the Lord. Generally a good guy.
When he died and went to Heaven, he got to the Pearly Gates where he found waiting an army of Angels with there horns, a parade, the whole works. When he asked if every polotican got that kind of treatment in Heaven, St. Peter said, “I don’t know. You’re the first one to get here!”
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I hope that hot air cools off by the time he gets there.
alan.gurka almost 14 years ago
So do dead fish. Does that mean they all go to Heaven, too?
tis4kis almost 14 years ago
So does pond scum.
Dkram almost 14 years ago
So I wonder, why isn’t Wasington foating in the air.
You know like Stratos, on Star Trek.
rshive almost 14 years ago
Good observation Madam!
JanLC almost 14 years ago
Wouldn’t be much of a heaven with corrupt blowhards like him there.
Dtroutma almost 14 years ago
Or the other way the devil may stick a fork in it, and bring it down?
whitecarabao almost 14 years ago
Mark Twain was on target when he said “American has no native criminal class … with the possible exception of Congress.”
I have long wondered why Washington gets cold weather and snow and ice with all that hot air, but then I discovered that the politicians aren’t there often enough for their hot air to localize. Instead, they are spreading it around – They are causing Global Warming!
boldyuma almost 14 years ago
Only when they get to prison first @rickmac.. only then..
magnamax almost 14 years ago
There was a polotician who lived a good life. he loved his wife, family and the Lord. Generally a good guy. When he died and went to Heaven, he got to the Pearly Gates where he found waiting an army of Angels with there horns, a parade, the whole works. When he asked if every polotican got that kind of treatment in Heaven, St. Peter said, “I don’t know. You’re the first one to get here!”
ponytail56 almost 14 years ago
an honest politician is one who stays bought. “Robert A. Heinlein”
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
Madame Zoo Doo knew that without looking into her crystal ball.