This one has lost me. I think the taller kid accuses Skippy of bad mouthing him and says he wants to hear compliments when his back is turned. He gets something lobbed at him, but Skippy cheers Pat Toohey, who was an Irish bagpipe player. Am I right? 90 year old slang is hard to decipher.
Kandorian Premium Member almost 12 years ago
OK, I’m going to need translations on this one.
mountaingreenery. almost 12 years ago
This one has lost me. I think the taller kid accuses Skippy of bad mouthing him and says he wants to hear compliments when his back is turned. He gets something lobbed at him, but Skippy cheers Pat Toohey, who was an Irish bagpipe player. Am I right? 90 year old slang is hard to decipher.
Kandorian Premium Member almost 12 years ago
And what’s a 4-wheel monocle?