Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for March 08, 2016

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Farmers only dot com.

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  2. Black lion
    PICTO  over 8 years ago

    Just in case it’s muddy on the plane…

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  3. Don martin 1
    Farside99  over 8 years ago

    That will never fit in the overhead bin, even if he deflates the tires.

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  4. Mc avatar
    flyertom  over 8 years ago

    No problem on curbs, sidewalk joints or stairs.

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  5. Missing large
    MikeyMN  over 8 years ago

    He only flies on SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!!!

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  6. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 8 years ago

    He’s a big rig bounty hunter.

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  7. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 8 years ago

    Monster luggage.

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  8. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 8 years ago

    Probably has $2 in his wallet, with a 40 pound chain hooked on it…

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  9. Offmymedstoday
    Mostly Water Premium Member over 8 years ago

    No custom alloy wheels?

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  10. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member over 8 years ago

    yah might be a red neck…………..

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    khcm1157  over 8 years ago

    No locking hubs for all wheel drive?

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  over 8 years ago

    Good luck getting that on the plane with their new messurement system.

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    dflak  over 8 years ago

    You know, if the airlines would let you check up to a certain size bag for free (say 25 lbs), a lot of people would take advantage of it- there would be more room for those who choose to carry on. - there would be fewer delays with boarding since excess baggage would not have to be checked—-It also means less weight which means less fuel.

    Of course, they would lose money on people who pay $25 to board earlier and get the overhead space (ummmm??)

    or just charge $25 per piece carried on.

    As for me, if I’m paying for it, I’m checking the full 50 lbs.

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  14. Missing large
    dflak  over 8 years ago

    I recently traveled on an airline. I won’t say which one so I’ll use a fictitious name: Alcoholics Anonymous Airlines. I was amused by AA’s boarding process. They called passengers by class: first platinum, then gold, then silver, then bronze and then they read off the rest of the periodic table of the elements. Trans-Uranium class passengers were classified as “ambulatory cargo.” I’m not quite sure where they were seated, but the next time I saw them was at baggage claim … on the carousel.

    My wife and I were in Lithium Class which entitled us to one bathroom trip each and the use of an oxygen mask that we had to share with our seatmates in the event of an emergency.

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    Khatkhattu Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Never mind stowing the bag-just hope you don’t have to sit next to his left side-the right arm pit is getting a good airing while the left is fermenting nicely-last time I flew I sat next to someone who had obviously not washed for several days nor had he heard of deodorant. John Wayne to O’Hare in stink class.

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