Sunny Street by Max G and Sandy B for June 09, 2014

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    lhouser77 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    even w/o men; if only there was a kitchen cabinet to be found…

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    louieglutz  almost 11 years ago

    i got one of those plier gripper things. you think she would use it? ‘dear, please help me with this bottle.’

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I feel sorry for them.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 11 years ago

    Ladies, whatchoo plan to do with those weapons now? Of course, even if they didn’t starve, they couldn’t produce a new generation on their own….

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    Troy  almost 11 years ago

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. This is hilarious, Max. My daughters now and then tell me the world would be so much better without men and this is exactly the answer I give them. Who would open thier jars for them? HAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH

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    benbrilling  almost 11 years ago

    They coulda’ ordered a jar opener on Amazon (with free 2 day Prime shipping).

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    YokohamaMama  almost 11 years ago

    louieglutz I have one of those things, and even with it I can’t always open the jar. Anyway, it makes my husband feel like a big, strong man when I ask him to help me.

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    alboulder  almost 11 years ago

    Without men why would the women wear such sexy outfits

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