Really? The “job creators” will stop doing their jobs if they have a little less money? Yet, these are the same people who tell employees via company meetings, motivational speakers, studies, etc. that money is not supposed to an important motivator in the workplace. Hmmm, I as a cog in the machine am not supposed to believe that more money in my paycheck is important or a prime motivator yet the CEO and/or big stockholders will hit the golf course if they get less. Yep, I drank the Kool-Aid, and it all makes perfect sense!
slug_queen about 13 years ago
Raise his taxes! Raise his taxes!
drkala about 13 years ago
I always say, if the only reason you are doing your job is the money, it’s time to get out anyway.
reese828 about 13 years ago
Really? The “job creators” will stop doing their jobs if they have a little less money? Yet, these are the same people who tell employees via company meetings, motivational speakers, studies, etc. that money is not supposed to an important motivator in the workplace. Hmmm, I as a cog in the machine am not supposed to believe that more money in my paycheck is important or a prime motivator yet the CEO and/or big stockholders will hit the golf course if they get less. Yep, I drank the Kool-Aid, and it all makes perfect sense!
Iwa Iniki about 13 years ago
Is that Woodstock on top of your Christmas tree?