You can really take out someone’s eye with those flags. I’d say ask Orlando Brown, but you can’t (RIP).
I was wondering when Mr. Hinds was going to follow up on that incident from the Bears-Steelers game…
I wonder if they make protection cups for butts.
Is there a direct reference to a situation that actually happened?
And Tom Brady defeats the New York Midgets—-I mean,Giants.
I’m out here in New York with the Jets and the Giants.Somebody please send me a “Care Package”.Or at least a blindfold.
As a Browns fan I have no problem with a player taunting Big Ben.
Taunting used to be part of the game. I doubt the players care as much as the tiny-brained viewers and marketing people that get offended.
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
wallylm over 3 years ago
You can really take out someone’s eye with those flags. I’d say ask Orlando Brown, but you can’t (RIP).
jagedlo over 3 years ago
I was wondering when Mr. Hinds was going to follow up on that incident from the Bears-Steelers game…
Ellis97 over 3 years ago
I wonder if they make protection cups for butts.
The Joke Explainer Premium Member over 3 years ago
Is there a direct reference to a situation that actually happened? over 3 years ago
And Tom Brady defeats the New York Midgets—-I mean,Giants.
I’m out here in New York with the Jets and the Giants.Somebody please send me a “Care Package”.Or at least a blindfold.
Buckeye67 over 3 years ago
As a Browns fan I have no problem with a player taunting Big Ben.
BlueKnight1966 over 3 years ago
Taunting used to be part of the game. I doubt the players care as much as the tiny-brained viewers and marketing people that get offended.