I don’t care if I get respect in the morning, just get my name right. I had a guy do that to me once. I met him on the way to breakfast one morning; he gave me a ride to work and picked me up after work. The next morning the first thing he said to me was, “Good morning, Don.” Don? How does Dave sound anything like Don? You would think after spending all of that time together he could at least get my name right. I "accidentally’ lost his phone number.
High time to close the book on this story and move on….Tarzan has just about forgotten about Jane last seen doing the rounds in Nairobi……Sure hope she wasn’t at the downtown shopping mal when those Somali terrorists shot up the place! :)> GoFindJaneAGowa!!
Think of it as a mortar and pestle. They pound the big stick down repeatedly on seeds, nuts or whatever they need to break into smaller pieces. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/mali/niger-river-route/timbuktu-tombouctou/images/songhai-women-pounding-grain-timbuktu$24596-37
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 11 years ago
“I don’t respect her, I just want in her pants!”
francophile almost 11 years ago
I don’t care if I get respect in the morning, just get my name right. I had a guy do that to me once. I met him on the way to breakfast one morning; he gave me a ride to work and picked me up after work. The next morning the first thing he said to me was, “Good morning, Don.” Don? How does Dave sound anything like Don? You would think after spending all of that time together he could at least get my name right. I "accidentally’ lost his phone number.
profkatz almost 11 years ago
High time to close the book on this story and move on….Tarzan has just about forgotten about Jane last seen doing the rounds in Nairobi……Sure hope she wasn’t at the downtown shopping mal when those Somali terrorists shot up the place! :)> GoFindJaneAGowa!!
Old Comic Strip Lover almost 11 years ago
Well, take a number and stand in line Don, because old Delilah has lots of lovers. And what, exactly, is Delilah doing in that first panel?
rdmacgregor almost 11 years ago
Think of it as a mortar and pestle. They pound the big stick down repeatedly on seeds, nuts or whatever they need to break into smaller pieces. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/mali/niger-river-route/timbuktu-tombouctou/images/songhai-women-pounding-grain-timbuktu$24596-37
Tin Can Twidget almost 11 years ago
Someplace in the African jungle he says cya climbs a tree ….Was that meant as c ya or c y a? or both? :)
jmcx4 almost 11 years ago
@Buckster from yesterdayI had a Kumbayah comment yesterday but it went away. Though I musta offended someone. NotInMyNatureAgowa!
profkatz almost 11 years ago
Where’s that crotchety old sailor boy today? Yeah, B’wana Quartermain…..I’m lookin’ for YOU~! :)> BackFromNawlin’sAGowa!!
rdennetteiii almost 11 years ago
jmcx4…kinda thought that was way too obvious for all the ‘reglars’ to have passed up…
profkatz almost 11 years ago
I’d wager that Delilah is a first-class “pounder” all night long………Tribemate! :)> KinkyAppetiteAGowa!!
Polsixe almost 11 years ago
Delilah is milling the maize and soon will go native.
quartermain almost 11 years ago
Hi Shipmate—was on a Costco shopping Safari today—Rain all day this day.