For all the big game hunting ERB claimed to have done, he did more for the negative image of the gorilla than almost any other author. (It is still fun to read his fiction though)
As a docent at my local zoo, I spend three days a week lecturing the public about gorillas and at least half the questions I get pertain to the Tarzan stories and movies.
J Short about 6 years ago
If she’s anything like my Mom, she’s thinking, “What the hell has he got himself into now?”
Polsixe about 6 years ago
Mama Gorilla is upset her few minutes of “me” time are gone.
jmcenanly about 6 years ago
Mama Grizzly has nothing on Mama Gorilla
BigDaveGlass about 6 years ago
Gorillas in the midst…
Old Comic Strip Lover about 6 years ago
Maybe he shouldn’t have “pounced”. Maybe he should have just walked up to it and offered it a banana.
h.v.greenman about 6 years ago
For all the big game hunting ERB claimed to have done, he did more for the negative image of the gorilla than almost any other author. (It is still fun to read his fiction though)
As a docent at my local zoo, I spend three days a week lecturing the public about gorillas and at least half the questions I get pertain to the Tarzan stories and movies.
Teddy bear Premium Member about 6 years ago
Who is going to kill Tom, Jim or the gorilla?? Someone please, he’s given the human race a bad name.
celtickat53 about 6 years ago
She looks really angry, too. Wouldn’t want to mess with her!
billcor about 6 years ago
whut? this baby? I thought it might need a change.