Adding my two cents to the “_disappearing text in the blue reply box as you are typing box thread yesterday_”, this also happens to me when I type into the box but doesn’t happen (most times) when I copy my picture descriptions from Facebook into the box. I use Edge and Winduhs 10. It is happening as I type this comment now. most annoying.
I apologize for those of you having problems seeing my pictures on Facebook. That’s why I take the time to also post them on Photobucket as an alternative. Yes, there is an annoying ad that appears on Photobucket, but you should be able to click it off the screen and see the picture (and all the hundreds of others I have uploaded there just by clicking on the large < symbol or > symbol in the middle of the left and right edges of the screen. I hope this helps.
@BBEAR, I don’t do FB but I can see your photos just fine on the Ten Cats page. The Photobucket ad is less annoying than the FB one so I often use those links. I enjoy your pics regardless :)
bbear almost 8 years ago
Adding my two cents to the “_disappearing text in the blue reply box as you are typing box thread yesterday_”, this also happens to me when I type into the box but doesn’t happen (most times) when I copy my picture descriptions from Facebook into the box. I use Edge and Winduhs 10. It is happening as I type this comment now. most annoying.
bbear almost 8 years ago
I apologize for those of you having problems seeing my pictures on Facebook. That’s why I take the time to also post them on Photobucket as an alternative. Yes, there is an annoying ad that appears on Photobucket, but you should be able to click it off the screen and see the picture (and all the hundreds of others I have uploaded there just by clicking on the large < symbol or > symbol in the middle of the left and right edges of the screen. I hope this helps.
bbear almost 8 years ago
A cute kitty post: cats are like kids, if they weren’t so damn cute we’d probably eat them.
zippykatz almost 8 years ago
I can see your photos on FB just fine. Go to the 10Cats Fan Club page, open Photos tab the left, select See All.
bbear almost 8 years ago
A catitude post: cats are “needy”. (mine needs tuna especially, what does your kitty need?)
bbear almost 8 years ago
A catitude post: this kitty says you can’t eat any more almond cookies!
bbear almost 8 years ago
This sleeping kitty was the model for Michelangelo, or did we mean Meowchelangelo?
bbear almost 8 years ago
When your boyfriend and his kitty moves in with you and you aren’t prepared for the excess baggage that comes with — the cat!
bbear almost 8 years ago
A catitude post: many cat owners have found that you can either have a cat or plants, but usually not both.
bbear almost 8 years ago
A cute kitten post: what do sad kitties do to amuse and perk themselves up?
bbear almost 8 years ago
From The Best Cat Tweets Of 2016: #16: Uh, oh, I think the cat is broken. cats and boxes #1
bbear almost 8 years ago
From The Best Cat Tweets Of 2016: #17: Oh look, our cat is voting! cats and boxes #2
bbear almost 8 years ago
From The Best Cat Tweets Of 2016: #18: our indoor kitty goes outside for the first time and finds God.
poppet bear almost 8 years ago
@BBEAR, I don’t do FB but I can see your photos just fine on the Ten Cats page. The Photobucket ad is less annoying than the FB one so I often use those links. I enjoy your pics regardless :)
daleandkristen almost 8 years ago
Cats automatically know to ignore you…Jellybean!
tad1 almost 8 years ago
Great pictures today. :)