has info and links that point to info about this larger-than-letter-size painting (Other versions has strip coloration image – the painting’s size makes me think it’s oil on panel; but, couldn’t confirm that, yet). This is the 31st work, by this artist shown here (he’s easily been Mr. Melcher’s most popular choice, so far).
shows the prior work by him (when I could use hyperlinks, has more).
Again, a larger strip image is shown by clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s blog entry for yesterday (December 21, 2016), accessible by the Check Out The Blog! box in the right hand column; so, I won’t point to it here.
P.S. When Mr. Melcher added this strip later in the day, he also added the one for 12/21 (of which you may not be aware, based on the lack of comments there).
I’m delighted to see yesterday’s and today’s pictures. And special thanks to mabrndt over the last couple of days for the info he provided letting us know that the missing days should be appearing, as indeed they did!
chriscc63 about 8 years ago
katzenbooks45 about 8 years ago
Why is she sitting on a manual shoe polishing device?
kauri44 about 8 years ago
Not a joke, but is that guy wearing a tricorn hat? He looks like he’s from a much earlier period than the woman in the painting.
Call me Ishmael about 8 years ago
He was only a country dentist, and she didn’t approve of his bridgework.
Call me Ishmael about 8 years ago
He was only a country dentist, and she didn’t approve of his bridgework.
mabrndt Premium Member about 8 years ago
3 URLs (copy each as one line):
has info and links that point to info about this larger-than-letter-size painting (Other versions has strip coloration image – the painting’s size makes me think it’s oil on panel; but, couldn’t confirm that, yet). This is the 31st work, by this artist shown here (he’s easily been Mr. Melcher’s most popular choice, so far).
shows the prior work by him (when I could use hyperlinks, has more).
Again, a larger strip image is shown by clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s blog entry for yesterday (December 21, 2016), accessible by the Check Out The Blog! box in the right hand column; so, I won’t point to it here.
P.S. When Mr. Melcher added this strip later in the day, he also added the one for 12/21 (of which you may not be aware, based on the lack of comments there).
Ryan Plut about 8 years ago
That’s an interesting seat. Betcha it rotates. Lets the Victorians sit, yet keeps the beggers from sleeping on it.
cheap_day_return about 8 years ago
He’s been ‘spurned’. Ha! Don’t hear that word anymore, do ya?
d1234dick Premium Member about 8 years ago
Hermione just having informed hefclife that she is a lesbian
finnygirl Premium Member about 8 years ago
I’m delighted to see yesterday’s and today’s pictures. And special thanks to mabrndt over the last couple of days for the info he provided letting us know that the missing days should be appearing, as indeed they did!
J Short almost 8 years ago
Obviously, that guy doesn’t have enough ass to sit on the Bench of Discipline.