Thatababy by Paul Trap for December 20, 2015
dad: it's time to resume brendan mcbloom and the christmas of doom! you'll recall he and his friends decided to test santa's goodwill. pooling their gifts while brendand agreed to be as bad as possible. on christmas eve, brendan panicked, "maybe there's still time to fix things! "so he jumped out of bed and immediately began cleaning his room...and his little sister's room too! brendan raced outside and shoveled the snow off the driveway and mr. floo's next door...and then every driveway in the neighborhood! brendan stopped at the retirement home and sang every christmas carol he could remember at the top of his lungs!! racing home, brendan rerouted the bathroom...and rebuilt the clutch that had been slipping on his mom's treasured purple '71 plymouth duster! drenched in sweat, brendan fell into bed and slept completely through christmas. when he woke up two days later, brendan peeked into the living room to see if santa had left anything for him under the tree. his jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide...what do you think brendan saw? the end thatababy: whaa?!! closure!! i need closure!
Templo S.U.D. about 9 years ago
Yeah, we all want closure.
Merrihootai about 9 years ago
Tricky, tricky! We see what you did there, woke up two days after Christmas…
Al Nala about 9 years ago
A ’71 Duster? That poor Woman!
Perkycat about 9 years ago
This is mean! I want a Brendan at my house, though. Looking forward to next Sunday – which is such a long, long way off.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 9 years ago
Calm down little man!
Nancy Murphy about 9 years ago
Cliff hangars are tough for a little guy (me too!).
Julius Marold Premium Member about 9 years ago
He saw the calendar and realized he’d slept through Christmas. Oh well, there’s always next year.
adoragem123 almost 4 years ago
he really hates cliffhangers.