bookworm0812, my commentary got hijacked by Stev0 a couple days ago and sent me into a moral dilemma; but after a bout of deep soul searching and with the support of my fan, i’m back to starting a new feature every day, which is this feature, which i started today, and will start everyday, until the next moral crisis, which hopefully will be after scully’s next moral crisis which causes him to at least make one tiny change each day for all of his fans to look for
Maan, every time I read this strip, I just can’t get that great theme music outta my head. It’s just so toe-tapping. Even the Frog King can’t hide that bopping little flipper of his anymore.
deepgoatjr over 8 years ago
bookworm0812, my commentary got hijacked by Stev0 a couple days ago and sent me into a moral dilemma; but after a bout of deep soul searching and with the support of my fan, i’m back to starting a new feature every day, which is this feature, which i started today, and will start everyday, until the next moral crisis, which hopefully will be after scully’s next moral crisis which causes him to at least make one tiny change each day for all of his fans to look for
Futabakun Premium Member over 8 years ago
Maan, every time I read this strip, I just can’t get that great theme music outta my head. It’s just so toe-tapping. Even the Frog King can’t hide that bopping little flipper of his anymore.
deepgoatjr over 8 years ago
sorry for the split infinitive