Bee: Look, lady, I'm a bee... worker bee. I don't need a loan or a checking account... just a job application. A borrower not a lender bee.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
She just wants a job, the flower season was short this year.
DoctorToon, your comment is funnier than the cartoon! I like this cartoon, but today is kind of a dud.
DougDean You’re right. And by the look of that stinger, I think he may be trying to get a little honey from the teller. I’m just saying he looks like he want to deflower her.
margueritem about 16 years ago
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
She just wants a job, the flower season was short this year.
DougDean about 16 years ago
DoctorToon, your comment is funnier than the cartoon! I like this cartoon, but today is kind of a dud.
eardroppings about 16 years ago
DougDean You’re right. And by the look of that stinger, I think he may be trying to get a little honey from the teller. I’m just saying he looks like he want to deflower her.