When did Magneto join the X-Men? Multiple times! He actually led the X-Men for a few years in the 1980s when Charles Xavier was off in space with his alien girlfriend. There’s no time, however, where this current lineup was all on the same team. The only period Magneto and Wolverine were together was in the 2010-2012 period where they lived on Utopia, an artificial island in the San Francisco Bay, and Jean Grey was dead at the time. Currently Magneto and a version of Jean Grey plucked out of the past are on the same team, but Wolverine is on a rival and unfriendly branch of the X-Men (along with Storm and Beast and … Iceman is complicated.) Aren’t you glad you asked?
JP Steve Premium Member about 11 years ago
Hope he wasn’t eating beans!
Bilan about 11 years ago
This gives new meaning to spiking the punch.
macky87 about 11 years ago
odd that the gals seem to like it, but the looks on the guys faces all seem to say otherwise
jreckard about 11 years ago
Is the ice man’s name Lacey?
Shawn Black Premium Member about 11 years ago
I hope he is just sitting in the punch and not doing anything else. Even now the punch may taste funny having someone butt in it.
ladykat Premium Member about 11 years ago
When did Magneto join the X-Men?
captainofgondor about 11 years ago
Kind of dumb move, Storm. He could’ve just iced the entire thing by touching the bowl. Ugh.
uncanny_kate about 11 years ago
When did Magneto join the X-Men? Multiple times! He actually led the X-Men for a few years in the 1980s when Charles Xavier was off in space with his alien girlfriend. There’s no time, however, where this current lineup was all on the same team. The only period Magneto and Wolverine were together was in the 2010-2012 period where they lived on Utopia, an artificial island in the San Francisco Bay, and Jean Grey was dead at the time. Currently Magneto and a version of Jean Grey plucked out of the past are on the same team, but Wolverine is on a rival and unfriendly branch of the X-Men (along with Storm and Beast and … Iceman is complicated.) Aren’t you glad you asked?
Tom Falco about 11 years ago
I just threw up in my mouth a little. I thought the punch tasted butt like.
Me3000 about 11 years ago
if this was the DC universe, it would be 1 half of the wonder twins (turns in to water)
Stephen Gilberg about 11 years ago
Jean Grey will become green.
arlwithak about 11 years ago
Iceman learned how to turn his entire body into ice back in 90’s. So nothing to block anything, except the fact that everything is solid.