The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for December 05, 2012

  1. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 12 years ago

    Just a month and a half ago I lost a feline companion of 18 years. He’d been declining for years, but finally reached the point where he could no longer get to his food, water or litter box on his own. I finally had to take him on that trip to the vet’s that only one comes home from. Losing him was doubly hard because he’d been my late wife’s cat, and was my last living link to her.His remains have joined hers in her urn. Someday I will also join them when my own mortality catches up to me. Oddly enough, I found out that it costs as much to cremate a pet (if you want the remains returned) as it does to cremate a human.

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  2. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  about 12 years ago

    both Lennie’s strip and runar’s comment have me crying, because I have also just lost a feline soul mate at 18 years, and I lost another 12 years ago whom I shall never, never forget (she was 20). I never stop thinking of them and their ashes will be with me wherever I go. Their pictures sit on a special table in my house.

    Ginger ain’t old, at 14 she is just starting. I know Lennie gives her the best of care, so she should be around for a long time!

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  3. Blackbird
    baileydean  about 12 years ago

    “Nothing lasts forever”…?-Love does. Love does.

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  4. Dresden av
    Veridian  about 12 years ago

    Someone once Said : “The Problem with Love is, People last too long and Pets don’t last long enough.” Oddly enough, I had a Cat named Ginger for 14 Years. So, for runar and nwdryad my Condolences and a Wish that, when you are Ready, another frenetic, furry, frantic, friendly ball of Feline unconditional Love finds you both again (And, Believe me, it WILL!) :-)

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