We had a Morris. When it stopped running, my husband painted it blue and welded a mailbox to it. The mailman loved it. The neighbors, not so much.
WAS an English Morris company, unfortunately. I had a ’60 Morris Minor 1000 convertible. I loved that car, Lucas electrics and all. Peppy enough around town and easy to work on if something broke.
Ducky Mallard approves!
morris has gone to the doctor enough to buy him a new car for everyday of the week
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
ellisaana Premium Member over 11 years ago
We had a Morris. When it stopped running, my husband painted it blue and welded a mailbox to it. The mailman loved it. The neighbors, not so much.
curmudgeon68 over 11 years ago
WAS an English Morris company, unfortunately. I had a ’60 Morris Minor 1000 convertible. I loved that car, Lucas electrics and all. Peppy enough around town and easy to work on if something broke.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Ducky Mallard approves!
danlarios over 11 years ago
morris has gone to the doctor enough to buy him a new car for everyday of the week