The Middletons by Dana Summers for April 18, 2020

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    jagedlo  almost 5 years ago

    yeah, critics have been known to be wrong from time to time…

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    Riders on the Storm Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    When you watch the Academy Awards, the ones with the majority of nominations are ones that that you never heard of or they were very small at the box office. I think the people that are part of the academy that vote want to show how smart and cool they are by voting for some far out movie that demonstrates how intelligent they are.

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    belovedkija  almost 5 years ago

    Most movie critics are politically correct and I am not so what they like I will get up and walk out of.

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    cuzinron47  almost 5 years ago

    That’s a sure sign that’s the one to avoid.

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    tcayer  almost 5 years ago

    I read that there are two ways to market bad movies- a super huge ad blitz so that’s all you see, or not a word, and you may just go because you haven’t heard of it.

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