The Middletons by Dana Summers for July 24, 2021

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 3 years ago

    Bumper and his head set….hey keep the thunder bumpers from his ears…..

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    jagedlo  over 3 years ago

    Now the next step is to get ones that play walking music for Bumper!

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    Riders on the Storm Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Or fireworks. It works for both.

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    Comics are the first thing to read  over 3 years ago

    Our English Bulldog was out doing her business one night when a nearby lightning strike scared the stuff out of her. Before that, T-storms never bothered her. After that, she would sit in a hallway in the middle of the house and refused to budge. Her thunder-shirt didn’t help.

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    John9  over 3 years ago

    My wife and I had many dogs who were frightened by storms and fireworks and we hated that. Luckily the last three we had were not afraid of anything. Sadly they are all gone in the last 18 months and so is my wife.

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    BoSundling  over 3 years ago

    We got a rescue dog, part lab, looked like a small black lab, for my daughter in ’96. SHe was a great dog, I was hoping when I saw her chase a frisbee that she might be trainable to hunt. I was disappointed to find that she was terrified of any loud noise (thunderstorms were pure hell for her) and water. SHe would NOT go near any pool (even a wading pool we bought just for her.) In the end, we came to believe that she had been abused just because of some of her behavior. I was wearing a camo shirt one day and she immediately began to cower in the corner. My daughter taught her to catch grasshoppers and june bugs, which the dog would eat with delight. SHe lived a long time for a dog her size.

    My daughter had to make the very tough decision to put her down when she was 17, the dog not my daughter. SHe had cataracts, was mostly deaf, and would get lost in the house. SHe would go to a corner of the living room and barely bark telling us she needed to go out. SHe was nowhere close to the back door. When she was frequently incontinent of stool, that was the deciding factor. Very hard on my daughter, and the rest of us. SHe was a great dog and there are times that I miss her. RIP, Cocoa.

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