A wheeler-dealer is a salesman who, without malice, uses “puffery, exaggeration, hyperbole, inflated results, and generally unreachable goals or promises” to sell an idea or clinch a deal. As is well known, the devil is in the details to be worked out by the attorneys. Negotiations generally start by both parties exaggerating their settlement positions. America was willing to except some hyperbole because the ideas offered were very close to those wanted by the average working Joe/Jane and expected a change in course from the wildly idiotic idealism of globalism which was guaranteeing failure of the system of laws to the more traditional means to govern and live. “Those expressing globalism are obviously delusional” is the starting point of the average Joe/Jane’s reason to vote for Trump. The alternative was a second civil war and no one but the most ruthless would win and the Republic would fall. As they say, not on my watch thank you.
Qiset almost 8 years ago
Save the whales! Collect the whole set.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Shouldn’t the tidal generator turbine walls be enough?
Roadrunner Premium Member almost 8 years ago
A wheeler-dealer is a salesman who, without malice, uses “puffery, exaggeration, hyperbole, inflated results, and generally unreachable goals or promises” to sell an idea or clinch a deal. As is well known, the devil is in the details to be worked out by the attorneys. Negotiations generally start by both parties exaggerating their settlement positions. America was willing to except some hyperbole because the ideas offered were very close to those wanted by the average working Joe/Jane and expected a change in course from the wildly idiotic idealism of globalism which was guaranteeing failure of the system of laws to the more traditional means to govern and live. “Those expressing globalism are obviously delusional” is the starting point of the average Joe/Jane’s reason to vote for Trump. The alternative was a second civil war and no one but the most ruthless would win and the Republic would fall. As they say, not on my watch thank you.
ars731 almost 8 years ago
“I imagine not all Whales are bad, there are good ones too”