WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for July 08, 2014

  1. Img 1504
    Woody157  over 10 years ago

    looks like a cone head lying at the waters edge.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 10 years ago

    What is the wallet made of?

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    puddlesplatt  over 10 years ago

    there goes my theatre tickets…will never get to see Evolution!

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    markjoseph125  over 10 years ago

    Babbling in public again, eh, Mr. Smith? Which religion do you want to substitute for the unifying idea in biology? And your evidence is…?

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    Andrew85994  over 10 years ago

    The creation of life is not at odds with entropy. The second law of thermodynamics applies to a closed system, an ideal situation that does not exist, except MAYBE the universe as a whole. All life needs outside mass-energy to sustain itself. The big bang is not at odds with cause and effect unless you assume that nothing ever existed before, and there is no reason to believe this.

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