WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for January 19, 2022

  1. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  almost 3 years ago

    If Chaplin would make a film of that would it be called “MOWdern Times”?

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  2. Img 0056
    Zykoic  almost 3 years ago

    I bought a piece of land in the mountains and hired an architect. His wife was a paleoanthropologist. We all surveyed the 4 acre plot. I got nervous when she discovered a corner of square flat land with a pile of old rocks and a dilapidated border. We discovered it was the graves of two of the original settlers from the 19th century. (God forbid if the interned were native Americans. The site would be a casino now.)

    We contacted, with difficulty, the descendants of the two deceased. They were happy with our plan to build a permanent memorial fence and place a plaque on the site. I never told the city/county. They would want me to get a cemetery license!

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  3. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    “They have a Walmart price tag on them”

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  4. Strega
    P51Strega  almost 3 years ago

    Sorry sir, you think mowing is hard? Well, all that European grass has to be pulled out and replaced with native prairie grasses. No heavy machinery allowed in the effort.

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  5. Img 1610
    WCraft Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    And the neighbor put up the fence himself.

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    oldlady07 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Wow, this is great! I have been thinking about declaring our weeds native plants and making our yard a native plant sanctuary.

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    "It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Not a bad idea considering what one poor cancer-ridden fellow had to endure last week from a judge in Michigan who said she’d like to put him in jail for not mowing his lawn. You can’t make this crap up:


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  8. The wanderer
    anomaly  almost 3 years ago

    And can’t sell it or do anything else without city permission. If that’s what you want.

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    PAR85  almost 3 years ago

    Now they can. You just admitted it.

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  10. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  almost 3 years ago

    Heaven help him when he and his wife decide to move and can’t sell the house because it’s a landmark.

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  11. Calvin
    Baucuva  almost 3 years ago

    Some people will work their butt off to get out of work.

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  12. Nomagram
    COL Crash  almost 3 years ago

    That’s using the system to your advantage!

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    Ekanka1  about 1 year ago

    looks like the long grass in pokemon

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