Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for November 25, 2009

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    cleokaya  about 15 years ago

    I sense man and turkey have found love in all the wrong places.

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    detour_jones  about 15 years ago

    hey crunkbotā€¦ or can I call you mr. poleyā€¦ I think that is you?? No?

    regarding the turkey as male:

    A: Things that happen at public schools never lead to mistakes?

    B: dude on dude loveā€¦ it happensā€¦

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    bueller  about 15 years ago

    No one caught the fact that female turkeys donā€™t ā€ gobbleā€.

    Joe, iā€™m surprised.

    The ( snicker ) observation about drawing quality is a hoot. Irony, thy name is crunkbot.

    Crunkbot goes by another name, too, detour, not the one you asked about, of course. .. think I know what it is.

    Crunkbot, where DO you find the time? That is, to post here and there, along with your other gig?

    Must have something to do with the drawing comment being so funny, coming from you,sinceā€¦ well, you know.

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    bueller  about 15 years ago

    Joe, iā€™ve enjoyed your comments - interesting and informative, as usual. I actually thought, though, that you would most likely pick up on the fact that female turkeys donā€™t make the same sound as toms, as shown here.

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    bueller  about 15 years ago

    I was chased by young roosters - two of ā€˜em - when I was eight or nine. Got pecked pretty bad, too.

    Not as painful as being bitten by a monkey, though ,(seriously).

    BTW, my only knowledge of sounds turkeys make is second-hand, but it comes from a usually reliable source who read a copy of the cartoon yesterday.

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