Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for June 20, 2011

  1. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    Hey, keep up those middle class loopholes, not forgetting education and child credit. A good patriot only pays on half his income. Now those nasty rich, we should make them pay on their stock losses as well as their gains.All men created equal, one man one vote, Yeah, tell it to the IRS. You will not be equal if you are smart, ambitious, or willing to take risks. The dumb, lazy, and timid are more equal than the 35% people.

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    stewartava  over 13 years ago

    not to mention, have laws and regs customized for their ease of profit hence; ye ol ‘Haliburton Loophole’. and “down with EPA!” -idiocy. I guess that’s the beauty of being vice president of the country AND ‘embassador’ to your own mega corp.Yeah, great idea Pubbies. Down with legitimate government. Let’s let the corporations run our country. We’ll all be so much better off!

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    jwetherson  over 13 years ago

    What middle class? Must be talking about some other country.

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  4. One moses
    DrMoses  over 13 years ago

that’s funny! Zig must have had Fathers Day off for us so we could not post anything.

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  5. One moses
    DrMoses  over 13 years ago

    As Ollie would say to the goverment ~ “Here’s another fine mess you”ve gotten us into!

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    cbrsarah  over 13 years ago

    Yeah, it’s about me. I work my butt off to earn a living at a job I hated and I get screwed by the government. Any bonuses I earned, the government took over half of it as a “gift” tax. And all we get for OUR money is a bunch of baloney from the politicians crying the government is running out of money. They should take the pay cuts like everyone else and give up the luxuries they think they need.

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  7. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  over 13 years ago

    Night, so exactly what do the folks who pay no income taxes pay taxes on that the 10% who pay 57% of income taxes collected don’t pay taxes on? Food? nope, everyone pays that, except those who use what used to be called food stamps. Gasoline? Nope, they pay more because they drive those big fat SUVs. Clothing? Well, in some states clothing is not taxed at all, so nope, they’re not paying something the “rich” folks aren’t. And where clothing IS taxed, the rich buy more expensive clothing and pay more taxes there too. Housing? Well where there are real estate taxes, the higher the value of the house, the higher the taxes are, and in many states, there are homestead exemptions or exemptions for the elderly which reduce taxes for them, so again nope. Can you help me out on just what that 57% pays taxes on that the “rich” don’t?

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    stewartava  over 13 years ago

    Between the cost of war(s) and legal corporate tax dodging, what else could we expect? Why is it so seldom that anyone seems to mention the waste (to put it mildly) of the astronomical costs and ill effects of warfare, as opposed to the minutia of social protective benefits our govenment (and taxes) should be obligated to secure for the people of this nation?

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    huskers4l74 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Why should the government (we the people) provide protective benefits for other people-We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of us need to pursue, for ourselves, not depend on securing it from others!!

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