Linda, I've got to talk to you about something… Ever since I met this guy last week, I've been having trouble sleeping.
And I've been getting this strange tingling sensation at the oddest times during the day… I swear Linda, it's the wierdest thing.
And my palms Linda… My palms sweat when I think of the guy…
Kitzie… You're in love!
No. Just horny.
Berkeley Breathed
Linda, I've got to talk to you about something… Ever since I met this guy last week, I've been having trouble sleeping.
And I've been getting this strange tingling sensation at the oddest times during the day… I swear Linda, it's the wierdest thing.
And my palms Linda… My palms sweat when I think of the guy…
Kitzie… You're in love!
No. Just horny.