This one reason that I thought this artist was a piece of dog excrement. I wonder how many people would be up and arms and ready to kill, if Ann Coulter went to the middle east, to a POW camp of ISIS or the Taliban and gave comfort to the enemy, while calling our troops child killers and other names. Would those people then allow Ann Coulter to come back without demanding that she be tried for treason? I don’t think so, yet Hanoi Jane not only came back, but is applauded by people like this for her actions.
Boy, do I remember those days. As someone who went from participating in anti-war demonstrations to serving in the military during that war, I had a lot of contact with a variety of opinions, inside and outside of those serving.
serial232 over 6 years ago
This one reason that I thought this artist was a piece of dog excrement. I wonder how many people would be up and arms and ready to kill, if Ann Coulter went to the middle east, to a POW camp of ISIS or the Taliban and gave comfort to the enemy, while calling our troops child killers and other names. Would those people then allow Ann Coulter to come back without demanding that she be tried for treason? I don’t think so, yet Hanoi Jane not only came back, but is applauded by people like this for her actions.
ChristineMurphy over 6 years ago
Boy, do I remember those days. As someone who went from participating in anti-war demonstrations to serving in the military during that war, I had a lot of contact with a variety of opinions, inside and outside of those serving.
ferengi19 over 6 years ago
can’t wait till the day comes when i can sing the song “ding dong the witch is dead”