Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for May 23, 2014
Barista: I can't have you running off customers just because they're in "your booth," Adam. Adam: I know, I know. But this booth is like my good luck charm. I write better here. The cushion is just right... That vent doesn't blow on me... There's no glare from the window... Barista: Wow. You're right. This is the best booth. Adam: (Not so loud! Interlopers abound!)
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
Now I get it. The vents don’t blow. .still. Adam best cool it or lose it.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago
He ‘chased’ the other customer away and took back ‘his’ place.
cdward over 10 years ago
Though I’m not I’d call what he did “chasing” the other customer away, I get the idea. Adam is secretly Sheldon Cooper (except for the genius part).
scyphi26 over 10 years ago
So all the booths look the same. Maybe that’s part of the joke.
MontanaLady over 10 years ago
Okay, tomorrow we will find that the coffee guy will have aimed the air conditioning vent directly at Adam’s table. :))
beerhunter12 over 10 years ago
Just like Sheldon on Big Bang.