“Hey, Adam. Got your answering machine. Just calling to say I can’t make our meeting this morning. Kid has the flu. I’ll see you tomorrow at 5 am, as I gotta be somewhere else at six. See you then, bright and early. Bye!”
Well, pretty close. The guy waited until Adam was almost there to cancel.
Canceling a meeting with someone minutes before they’re due to arrive is just plain wrong, whatever the hour. Especially if it’s a contractor coming from who-knows-where, who had to drive who-knows-how-long to get there. It incurs an opportunity cost that the contractor can’t recoup. If I were Adam I’d probably just thank the client for their time and tell them something came up and I’m no longer available. Such things are usually a sign of how they’re going to jack you around once you’re ass-deep into their project.
Odd Dog Premium Member over 5 years ago
Lol saved by the Bleep.
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 5 years ago
“Sorry, my @$$! Get your frickin’ body here now!”
rekam Premium Member over 5 years ago
Where’s that coffee?
Enter.Name.Here over 5 years ago
2 days ago I said:
“Hey, Adam. Got your answering machine. Just calling to say I can’t make our meeting this morning. Kid has the flu. I’ll see you tomorrow at 5 am, as I gotta be somewhere else at six. See you then, bright and early. Bye!”
Well, pretty close. The guy waited until Adam was almost there to cancel.
Nachikethass over 5 years ago
This is one advantage I have in working from India! I am a night owl and my clients from UK and USA can call during their day time schedule!
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 5 years ago
Sorry, I don’t do business outside of regular hours.
222jo over 5 years ago
Who said this was gonna happen?!
leester39 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I am not a “morning person” either… Poor Adam I know exactly what that feels like.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Yup, saw it coming. Though in truth, who ever it is on the other end is indeed up.
karmakat01 over 5 years ago
the USUAL ‘OOPS, sorry…tomorrow 5 am?’
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
That is so wrong! He’s going to be furious once it clicks.
david_42 over 5 years ago
All of the women I’ve lived with have been night owls. I’ve been awake since 2:30 am.
banjinshiju over 5 years ago
Okay, who called this?
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
Right about now Adam is starting to re-evaluate how badly he needs this work.
richdell over 5 years ago
Bleep, indeed.
MikeM_inMD over 5 years ago
Oh, that hurts.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 5 years ago
Time for him to practice saying “No” if his client wants to reschedule at another ungodly hour.
TheLetterista.com over 5 years ago
Yep. People do that all the time. That’s why you should just say no to early morning meets. the guy probably overslept.
InquireWithin over 5 years ago
Canceling a meeting with someone minutes before they’re due to arrive is just plain wrong, whatever the hour. Especially if it’s a contractor coming from who-knows-where, who had to drive who-knows-how-long to get there. It incurs an opportunity cost that the contractor can’t recoup. If I were Adam I’d probably just thank the client for their time and tell them something came up and I’m no longer available. Such things are usually a sign of how they’re going to jack you around once you’re ass-deep into their project.