Given that Agnes once said in front of her grandmum that she saw her ideal pic as having “lush long tawny hair” (to which grandmum asked “what does ‘tawny’ mean?”, which didn’t sit well with Agnes), no surprise.
…and look up pupils while you’re at it.
If you don’t know, look it up.Agnes is a problem solver.
In her old non-electronic Merriam Webster. There are probably words in there that this magazine doesn’t know exist.
She’s taken many tongue lashes from Trout.
Trout is greedy, she already ate a whole bowl of cheese curls while Agnes was hoping for lushness.
prasrinivara over 11 years ago
Given that Agnes once said in front of her grandmum that she saw her ideal pic as having “lush long tawny hair” (to which grandmum asked “what does ‘tawny’ mean?”, which didn’t sit well with Agnes), no surprise.
J Short over 11 years ago
…and look up pupils while you’re at it.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
If you don’t know, look it up.Agnes is a problem solver.
rshive over 11 years ago
In her old non-electronic Merriam Webster. There are probably words in there that this magazine doesn’t know exist.
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
She’s taken many tongue lashes from Trout.
QuietStorm27 over 11 years ago
Trout is greedy, she already ate a whole bowl of cheese curls while Agnes was hoping for lushness.