Agnes by Tony Cochran for March 07, 2020

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    dwane.scoty1  almost 5 years ago

    “Pogono”? “Pogo-no”, that’s for sure! Blasphemy!

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    jpayne4040  almost 5 years ago

    So why isn’t there a mad rush for potato chips then?

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    AndrewD.Washton  almost 5 years ago

    I’ve noticed, from time to time, that the kids in this strip (and obviously Mr. Cochran) have very little or no concern about the suffering of animals, and make fun of their suffering, manifested through stupidity and indifference to the suffering. This is not funny.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 5 years ago

    I’m uncertain this is actually a terrestrial life form anyway.

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    LohrMcKinstry  almost 5 years ago

    The death of a poor little hamster, even in a daily strip, does sadden me. Agnes’ life seems sad at its core. Have we ever learned why Agnes is being raised by her grandmother?

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    j.painterjones  almost 5 years ago

    Being dead isn’t suffering, unless you’ve earned eternal punishment. Animals are innocent beings. But these kids never had pets, and don’t know a lot about animals, so they make mistakes through that ignorance. Which is why little children shouldn’t be given fragile pets and be expected to take proper care of them. And I think this is very funny, though the humor is based on Agnes’ lack of knowledge in spite of her confidence that she knows what she’s doing. Tony Cochran’s humor is dark humor, not rib busting ha ha humor.

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    AndrewD.Washton  almost 5 years ago

    Okay, I give up. I’m a hypocrite etc. So, lets have MORE three-legged dying hamsters, dead cats, incontinent whatever it is that Agnes has for a pet with diapers on etc. Let’s see more of these charming little creatures. How funny they all are, and how they reveal and elucidate the subtle pathos and poignancy that Mr. Cochran infuses into the strip from time to time. No, I have never met Mr. Cochran. How many of you have met him? And by the way, Mr. Impkins, if you can still recall and repeat something I wrote two months ago — I suggest to you: get a life.

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  8. Catinparis
    Portmanteau  almost 5 years ago

    Wait… pogono as in Beard? (as in pogonophobia?) That’s a great name for a hamster

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