Perhaps it wasn’t clear, but the first three panels are not what happened, but instead my irrational worries about what people think about my home. FATHER DOES NOT HAVE WHITE GLOVES AND HE WAS A LOVELY GUEST TO OUR HOME. (And his visit hasn’t happened yet in my comic.) (But the Knights of Columbus fourth-degree honor guard guys have white gloves. And also they have swords, but I’m unsure if the swords can actually cut anything or just are a clangy noise we hear when they move around.)
Perhaps it wasn’t clear, but the first three panels are not what happened, but instead my irrational worries about what people think about my home. FATHER DOES NOT HAVE WHITE GLOVES AND HE WAS A LOVELY GUEST TO OUR HOME. (And his visit hasn’t happened yet in my comic.) (But the Knights of Columbus fourth-degree honor guard guys have white gloves. And also they have swords, but I’m unsure if the swords can actually cut anything or just are a clangy noise we hear when they move around.)