My shirt today is an homage to an artist friend I don’t get to talk to anymore (people grow apart, it happens), but of whom I have fond memories. In the early days of email, we’d sign off using these “nicknames”, such as the aforementioned Snack Pack. Some other examples were Brown ‘n’ Serve, E. Normous Sculpture, Two-Four, Frank-n-Furter, and so on. It was silly but important enough to me that I remember it and I miss it. (I could go on and on, but that’s the gist!)
My shirt today is an homage to an artist friend I don’t get to talk to anymore (people grow apart, it happens), but of whom I have fond memories. In the early days of email, we’d sign off using these “nicknames”, such as the aforementioned Snack Pack. Some other examples were Brown ‘n’ Serve, E. Normous Sculpture, Two-Four, Frank-n-Furter, and so on. It was silly but important enough to me that I remember it and I miss it. (I could go on and on, but that’s the gist!)