Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for May 10, 2013

  1. 061
    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    A good cue stick is that important. Lord help Nosher.

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  2. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  almost 12 years ago

    I hope she lets Nosher keep the cue.

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  3. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 12 years ago

    Andy thought, ‘Hot Fuzz’ was a documentary

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  4. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  almost 12 years ago

    I never would have guessed Andy had Nosh Stick affiliations.

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  5. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 12 years ago

    Back in the action-packed old days, Andy would SWAT the team!

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  6. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 12 years ago

    Funkily Fun Friday Hugs ((((((( CAPPERS ! )))))))

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  7. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 12 years ago

    Got this after I was already laying on soft pillows and dreaming of my grandson who will be here later today…sorry its late…Rocky Mountain Man Says…

    .Last for Thursday

    .mythreesons said, about 3 mistaken identities ago

    @Linda Dean

    GM I hope you aren’t saying Linda Dean only has six months left !! Guessing she is your ghost poster.<hr>It's Post Ghosties for me ! Yeah, my aunt in Florida is on thin ice these days. Our dear sweet *Granny Dean* is <a href="">"chugging along with a funnel of steam"</a> quite well, thank you.<p>..*John Pike*I saw that Non Sequiter ‘toon from the Boulder guy. We’re a good deal bigger than a three horse town these days. Not too big to be a three-ring-circus though. So far, I’m the only one I know from here. 80, huh ?  Come closer……. my foot can’t reach your boot !

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  8. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 12 years ago

    I dont know why the format isnt working properly, if anyone can fix it so that its a link as it should be, please do so…Gweedo always checks the formatting before sending to me so that he knows it will show up correctly…if you can fix it, thank you very much!

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  9. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  almost 12 years ago

    chugging along with a funnel of steam

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  10. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 12 years ago

    {{{ Thank you Chalkie }}};-)

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  11. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 12 years ago

    And with clenched fists… Andy goes to find ‘Nosher Thompson’ to give him a piece of his mind.

    LOL xxx

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  12. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 12 years ago

    @Gweedo Murray

    Gweedo Murray said (via Linda Dean), about 21 hours ago

    Thanks. I had a sample taken once before… I walked out under my own power.

    It’s a routine “look under the hood”. As I have no outstanding difficulties… save one, my status here…. I should just breeze on thru.

    My brother Ron called me back last night to tell me that he has a possibility of purchasing a friend’s trailer and even considers that he may try to stay in the house where he is now, if his lady friend would be willing to move in and share some expense. She is a widow with a grown daughter. They have been running together since last year. He wants to get past all the uncertainty of his ultimate residence.

    Awww… That’s nice. Is Ron’s ladyfriend called Maryann? Sorry if I’m wrong but I think I remember you saying that was her name.

    If she does decide to move in with Ron then I hope they enjoy living there together. Best of Luck to them.

    How did your VA check up go? I hope everything went fine.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

    P.S. I’m really sorry about your Aunt Linda. She’ll always be in my thoughts along with Eileen who I hope is continuing to improve.

    (Roses for Linda and Eileen brought by this little cutie!)

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  13. 061
    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    Hey, Gweedo. Ilooked at your weather. You are warming up but with rain. Well we get rain tomorrow. As far as your foot reaching my boot. It’s just as well, my boot would flop around on your foot like crazy. 14

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  14. Missing large
    loves raising duncan  almost 12 years ago

    Nice try Andy!

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  15. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 12 years ago

    Havent heard from Gweedo but then he did have a VA appt today so…he may be a bit late…will check again later to see if there is anything for you guys from him…my son is due any minute and I am (as requested) frying chicken, mashing taters, and making gravy along with a great salad, my home made biscuits and fresh asparagus. I was feeling all Mothers Day’y so I made the mother of my wonderful grandson a buttermilk aka chess pie. Cant wait to hold that little bundle of cuddles!

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  16. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 12 years ago

    The following is from a lady about to burst from biscuits, mashed potatoes, fried chicken gravy and the aforesaid friend chicken plus aspargus spears drenched in butter. If I dont add the five pounds I was requested to by my drs., it not my fault. OMG Dinner was awesome. I even made a Buttermilk Pie for my D-i-L (her fave) and had real cream to whip up on top of it….I love cooking and am so glad they are here! My grandson is asleep but felt so good in my arms earlier. I hope I get to wake him just a bit, so I can rock him a bit later. Time for Oreos, coffee, cantalope, and some visiting. Talk to ya’ll later….

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