Chalkeye's Profile

Chalkeye Free
<a href=" src=" width="217">Gweedo -dot?</a> Steve, eldo, slo11; same; mi still skulling Reg Smythe and now Kelly AKA steve from LB; WestminStvillage . . .Mister Onion; . . . the Artist formerly known as eldo ex Flagman on Further until i got on the other side of Spoke" Guy @ Andy Capp [and the Face when six isn't looking] e-mail still still still eldorado disc golf [yahoo] slo eleven [use numbers][mail point com] Interested in: *Comics* and all Art, American Lit, English Language, Basketball, Cycling, YOU and  . . . *Classic Rock* [1963 > 1973] and anything 'murican Roots [e.g. not out of Nashville] Mmmmmmmmmmmmemphis, BABY!!! Lots more to the story but basically kind and sincere hopefully respectful and responsible but rarely not a joker contact: e-mail slo11 mail point com [eleven] eldoradodiscgolf yahoo point com . . .where it is @ , G <small><small><small><small>
?! So what’s the new Brown?