Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for January 10, 2015

  1. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  about 10 years ago

    Andy never lands on ’is feet and takes awile before ’es ready for another beer

 about the only time ’e keeps ’is hands off the stuff


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  2. Avatar 3
    pcolli  about 10 years ago

    From our local paper: (copy & paste).

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  3. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  about 10 years ago

    Most animals that lay on their back with feet up in air are assumed to be dead how does Andy keep reviving? Does it have something to do with the ratio of nitrogen bubbles to carbon dioxide or monoxide gases?

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  4. 48024995
    maverick1usa  about 10 years ago

    I don’t seem to be able to reply to other’s posts!

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  5. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 10 years ago

    Andy likes to be independent you know, Jack!

    Just not at home
 Poor Flo.


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  6. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 10 years ago

    Gweedo – It’s legal here !!! – Murray said, about 17 hours ago

    Thank you and it is good to be home, though the weather is crappy here too. Cold with a little snow on the ground. It was good, not spectacular. Stayed first week at Ron’s and second at “Townline”. There I got slices of life of a dialysis patient. Rode in their new car to see a cousin and her family. A splendid visit !-I bet Sebastian has beautiful eyes 

 if only I could see them ! That fencing looks harsh !The horses I see can get their heads above fence top. Also, can’t help wonder if standing around in muck doesn’t promote some kind of foot fungal condition ?I see Seb has his ‘winter coat’ on. Do they ever put the blind wrap on their heads ?I see that here sometimes and wonder what that is for. -Ed went with me to VA today to fill my scrip for the long distance glasses. The optician was a most kind man. I picked up my reading glasses Tuesday from the shop that was outside vended by VA for the exam. They also sell specs. Stopped in to have the frames tightened up as there was some back and forth slop. The lenses on both sets of specs are light transitional. -The rabbits have been out lately. Heather is surprised at how close they come and believes they know what she is saying when she talks to them. -I hope your guys have a super less soggy ground Saturday.__________________________________________________

    You’re welcome. It has been very windy here, I think we’re having a hurricane at the moment but I can’t really tell if it’s a hurricane or just normal wind. It’s really strong and loud though and the ladders in the back garden fell over the other night and so did the bin in the front garden. It’s also been raining as well.-We haven’t had snow yet but it’s forecast for tonight.-Did Ron’s cat Crystal greet you? You sound like you’ve had a lot of fun. I’m glad to hear that.-Sebastian looks like he’s an old horse because he has a lazy eye. You can tell. He’s still beautiful though. All horses are. I don’t think the horses will get a fungal infection off the mud
 Know why? Because they wear something called horse shoes. LOL. Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. But you could be right, I’m not sure if horse shoes really prevent from fungal infections. No, I’ve never seen them with ‘blind wrap’ over their heads.-I see you were copying off my “Song of the Day” yesterday. Go ahead and feel free to copy me. After all, I’ve not copyrighted it. I don’t do “Song of the Day” on weekends.-I advise you not to wear your new glasses when one of my photos is on my avatar. You’ll get the shock of your life because it’ll be a lot clearer for you. Haha. -Rabbits are lovely creatures as well. I fed my neighbour’s rabbit when they were on holiday. -I’m sure my friends over at the stables are fine! They’ll be used to being out in all sorts of weather. May your Saturday be so awfully
. good!

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  7. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 10 years ago

    In support to Number Six’s “Freedom of Speech” in the comment section, I’m going to put a “Who Cares?” comment of my own:

    -I’ve just realised I can still fit into a Size 10-12 nightie which I feel happy about. I don’t know my actual clothes size, I just wear whatever I feel comfy in. I’m not bothered about clothes, I just shove anything on but I do have my favourites.

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  8. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  about 10 years ago
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  9. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 10 years ago

    Today’s was actually illustrated, instead of copy-pasted! Plus there was action instead of merely talking heads. This is a trend that needs to continue (but the cynic in me is betting it won’t
..)@beviekDid you ever go to see all the fancy Christmas lights at Longview Lake? I try to go most years but with the flu and all this time around I didn’t get around to it.

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  10. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  about 10 years ago

    “I will have you know that I have been thrown out of a lot classier places than this dump!”

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