Please go and moan somewhere else. You’re boring^Only your worthless opinion; I can write a better comic in my sleep than these idiots; and have! (Not insulting Andy Capp, just the pathetic efforts of these clowns, who’ve taken the excellent legacy of the great Reg Smythe and turned it into something perfect for lining the cages of your favorite budgie!
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
E’en Jack no like that remark thanks to his regulars’ (Andy and Chalkie) wives.
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
Wow, even for these guys, that was lame I rate it 0/5
TREEINTHEWIND almost 9 years ago
Ladies night out…………… I wonder when they’ll take up smoking………………
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
@Barry Mackenzie
Please go and moan somewhere else. You’re boring^Only your worthless opinion; I can write a better comic in my sleep than these idiots; and have! (Not insulting Andy Capp, just the pathetic efforts of these clowns, who’ve taken the excellent legacy of the great Reg Smythe and turned it into something perfect for lining the cages of your favorite budgie!
Joken' almost 9 years ago
How about a good Ripple
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Not really amusing today. I’d barely give it a one.
cubswin2016 almost 9 years ago
I’m tired! I’m cold! Wah!
Number Three almost 9 years ago
OK, I will agree that this strip was lame but Jack’s face though!
Number Three almost 9 years ago
Song of the Day – Requested by Pcolli:
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
“I’m new here, do you know the best times to watch the canal swimming events?
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
@Number ThreeThanks for re-posting the link to the book for me yesterday. Now I can read some FUNNY ones like the good ol’ days!.