@Number Three Today’s strip is mildly funny, we don’t need Flo to tell us that our Hero Mr Andrew Capp has mainly faults but we like Andy as he is :o) right? my avatar is of a cat ignoring her “owner” just like our Bella ignores me , no wonder I like dogs , they ador their human mum or dad , how was your day , ours started a bit hectic because we had to run a lot of errands and buy and collect a lot of heavy stuff so we had to use the car , now we can relax for the rest of the day I hope , take care and thanks for caring pal. have a nice day Cappers past and present.
@Number Three Today’s strip is mildly funny, we don’t need Flo to tell us that our Hero Mr Andrew Capp has mainly faults but we like Andy as he is :o) right? my avatar is of a cat ignoring her “owner” just like our Bella ignores me , no wonder I like dogs , they ador their human mum or dad , how was your day , ours started a bit hectic because we had to run a lot of errands and buy and collect a lot of heavy stuff so we had to use the car , now we can relax for the rest of the day I hope , take care and thanks for caring pal. have a nice day Cappers past and present.