Angry Little Girls by Lela Lee for September 06, 2021

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    theincrediblebulk  over 3 years ago

    Different rules in rural communities too. I had 3 hours of daily farm chores from roughly age 6 until i moved away, plus more work when the need arose to fix or build fences, clean out manure, etc. You get hired for jobs based on size, no one asks your age so I got my first paying job at age 10 and have worked ever since. I had time for child hood things too, but I learned about responsibility from a young age.

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    Yermo Adam  over 3 years ago

    Best thing to happen for Labor Day is a Lela Lee update. And this great ass cartoon

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Have a happy and safe Labor Day my friends.

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  4. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 3 years ago

    In most places wage and hour laws don’t apply to family businesses. My dad paid me and took out taxes when I worked in his dime store.

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    Andylit Premium Member over 3 years ago

    As mentioned above, here is the straight poop. Has nothing to do with “ethnic enclaves”. Us honkies get the same slave labor rules.

    “The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provides for certain exemptions. Minors under age 16 working in a business solely owned or operated by their parents or by persons standing in place of their parents, can work any time of day and for any number of hours. However, parents are prohibited from employing their child in manufacturing or mining or in any of the occupations declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.”

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    Sir Uncle Rat69  over 3 years ago

    Well done strip. Points the fingers where they should be pointed while also making light of them. There is a serious side to this that goes much deeper.

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