Animal Crackers by Mike Osbun for January 18, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Pogostiks Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Another right-wing slur on Obamacare? The problem is that except for those who listen to Fox News lies, it’s working
better than expected.

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  2. Ruke toe
    miscreant  about 10 years ago

    I guess MrSmee is healthy. without my $450.00 a month insurance my medication would be over $2,500 a month. I meet my yearly deductible in less than a month. With any of the offered Obamacare insurance my monthly payment would be less than $100.00 for insurance but I would pay over $12,000 out of pocket for my medications not including the specialists doctor visits. I may be unemployed but I can still add and Obamacare costs way more if you aren’t healthy and require monthly medications.

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  3. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member about 10 years ago

    17% HAD a problem and for purposeful reason – now approximately 35% to 45% and higher have a problem (depending on which source you want to quote and how they spin the numbers) – for NO REASON other than “CHANGE” it might be a little problem like increased deductible, or premiums or coverage that wasn’t TOO BAD A CHANGE – but it helped NO ONE in the 100 people that are in my life directly and over 45000 that work for the main employer in town. EVERYONE went UP. AND the MAIN employer is a health/hospital provider. It DID NOT stay the same. Not get better. ALL got worse. AND I am of the lower middle income class – almost poverty level class if you go by the ‘government’ income criteria – AND I DO NOT LISTEN TO FOX NEWS OR FAUX NEWS AS SOME OF YOU WHO COMMENT THINK IS SO FUNNY TO WRITE AS IF THAT SOMEHOW GIVES YOU SOME KIND OF INTELLECTUAL ADVANTAGE – OR ANY OF THE TALKING HEADS OF ANY ‘NEWS’ SOURCE FOR THAT MATTER! – I get soooooo tired of people dismissing comments with those stupid comments – IF it worked for you GREAT – but please understand YOU are not EVERYONE when it comes to what happened. SO be happy it worked for you, but PLEASE quite thinking that because it worked for you or that your listen to the talking heads that spin it – no matter what their call letters are – that it is working for everyone and was such a ‘wonderful thing’. sheesh -— and by the way I live in a state that was one of the FIRST to jump on the band wagon and shout how wonderful and get signed up and it will be great – stupidity!My premium went up 1300 a year with 20% less coverage and a 100% increase in deductible. AND I am one of the fortunate. My daughter’s family went up 1000.00 a month yes you read that right 12000 a year and their deductible stayed the same and coverage was reduced and she was typical. AND IT IS DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT LAW – NO OTHER REASON PERIOD. Oh and her husband is a financial planner and works with an insurance agent who is one of the best in our town of over 100,000 people when it comes to this idiocy. And I know I don’t have to read the ‘comments’ but it gets to the point that when you read stupidity over and over and over again that sometimes at least for me you just gotta see if people are really that ’ ’! so you let off a little steam by commenting.

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    Squirrelchaser  about 10 years ago

    Most of the people who love the ACA are the ones who aren’t affected by it (at least not yet.) The rest are the ones getting it for free. My neighbor was all for the ACA because he felt guilty that he had really good insurance from his work. Even if it is inferior coverage and the deductibles are still out of most peoples price range, he doesn’t feel guilty anymore. He isn’t too thrilled with the Cadillac tax, though.

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