Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for March 25, 2019

  1. Rick
    davidf42  almost 6 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    Now, this is developing into an interesting story!

    Today’s link:

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  2. Saw whet in hand
    khmo  almost 6 years ago

    He looks like Mark Trail

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    stuart  almost 6 years ago

    The empty eyes really fit the character of Helen.

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    Ray*C  almost 6 years ago

    Throw him a fish? Aren’t you supposed to teach him how to fish? Or throw him a bone? Or walk a mile in his shoes? Or do unto him as you would want him to do unto you? He ain’t heavy, man; he’s your brother! I could go on…

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    banjinshiju  almost 6 years ago

    It wouldn’t be the first time that the supposed “ignorant” has bested the urban sophisticate. My grandfather, who had a biology degree, often would use his rural Mississippi background to get more money from traveling yankees that he would get from the local population. And they probably thought they “took” this Mississippi hick.

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