Do as I would do, if I was by myself,…. lock the door, unplug the phone, make your favourite food (or order in a few days before and re-heat): Put a DVD or two in the machine and relax.
OR….call your friends, get on your bike, and meet up for barbecued chicken, mulled tequila and afterwards maybe an S&M extravaganza. Jesus won’t mind, he’s doing the same thing with his disciples.
Do as I would do, if I was by myself,…. lock the door, unplug the phone, make your favourite food (or order in a few days before and re-heat): Put a DVD or two in the machine and relax.
OR….call your friends, get on your bike, and meet up for barbecued chicken, mulled tequila and afterwards maybe an S&M extravaganza. Jesus won’t mind, he’s doing the same thing with his disciples.