Darryl MacPherson, the father in Baby Blues is a guy in his mid-thirties, mid-carreer, mid-management and mid-voyage in the greatest adventure of his life… fatherhood.
Darryl loves being a dad of three, even though it’s the hardest work he’s ever done, if you don’t count that summer job cleaning the elephant pen at the zoo during college. If you do, then it’s a tossup, although the elephants were a little tidier and didn’t get sticky fingerprints all over the TV remote.
The consummate involved parent, Darryl is there whenever possible to lend a hand, wipe a nose, kiss a boo-boo or believably shoo a monster the way only a real dad can.

Wanda Wizowski-MacPherson never thought of herself as the motherly-type until her biological clock started ringing like a fire bell. After she got pregnant with Zoe, Wanda traded working full-time as a public relations executive for working fuller time as a mother of a newborn.
Wanda is a complex person… part nurturing mother, part dynamic organizer, and part exhausted woman. Having three kids under the age of ten demands much of her time, requires all of her attention and has fried most of her brain cells. Despite all of the work and confusion that comes with being a wife and mom of three, Wanda loves her family and wouldn’t want to live her life any other way. Really. No fooling. Unless maybe there were great sums of money involved. And a yacht. And an extended stay at a ritzy spa. Perhaps a little time alone in the bathroom…

Zoe (pronounced ZOH-ee) is Darryl and Wanda’s first child. Born cranky and loud, she dominated the MacPherson household for the first three years of her life. After having every burp, bubble and babble photographed or taped, Zoe was unceremoniously demoted from “Only Child” to “Sibling” status upon the birth of her baby brother, Hamish (Hammie). When her new baby sister, Wren came along, Zoe confidently moved into the role of Wise Big Sister, which comes with certain perks, including bossing-around privileges.
Now well into her elementary school years, Zoe is freely sharing her knowledge and accumulated wisdom with the entire MacPherson household… and anybody else within earshot.

Hamish MacPherson (Hammie) is around six years old. He has a shock of hair the texture of a whisk broom, big ears and an X-Games approach to life. He’s a sweet kid with a heart of gold and (according to his big sister, Zoe) a head like a rock.
Hammie is a middle child, bookended by two sisters. It’s not an easy gig, but he’s up for the challenge. In fact, he’s up for any challenge, providing it involves Adrenaline, dirt, explosions or grossing out girls.

Just when the MacPhersons thought it was safe to stuff the crib in the attic, Wanda discovered she was pregnant again. Baby Wren’s birth was not only a time of joy and wonder, it also marked the day Darryl and Wanda became officially outnumbered by their children.
Wren is a quiet, observant toddler who has lots to observe around the MacPherson house. With guidance from big sister Zoe and misguidance from big brother Hammie, Wren should turn out to be a pretty interesting kid. But right now her main job is keeping the “baby” in “Baby Blues.”