This page got recolored for the published version. The backgrounds, which were originally distinctly brown, have been made greener — I’m guessing to make it look more like July, when this case is set, rather than November, when it was first published. The storm cloud over Jack’s head was also recolored less green — I’m guessing to make it look more like a storm cloud and less like a background shrubbery.
Lottie’s T-shirt, you may be able to make out down in the lower left corner, features Gary the Horse, noted equine rogue. Gary will have a part in background events in the next case, but his only actual appearance in Bad Machinery is in “The Big Hiatus”, which isn’t on GoComics.
While you might guess that “Gary the Horse” is merely a colorful nickname, no, he’s actually a horse. With an eyepatch. Or, as revealed in “The Big Hiatus”, a brag, which is a sort of magical horse that lures people to ride it and then bucks them into ponds.
And I just discovered that Gary and Shauna get a mention on the Wikipedia page.
This page got recolored for the published version. The backgrounds, which were originally distinctly brown, have been made greener — I’m guessing to make it look more like July, when this case is set, rather than November, when it was first published. The storm cloud over Jack’s head was also recolored less green — I’m guessing to make it look more like a storm cloud and less like a background shrubbery.
Lottie’s T-shirt, you may be able to make out down in the lower left corner, features Gary the Horse, noted equine rogue. Gary will have a part in background events in the next case, but his only actual appearance in Bad Machinery is in “The Big Hiatus”, which isn’t on GoComics.
While you might guess that “Gary the Horse” is merely a colorful nickname, no, he’s actually a horse. With an eyepatch. Or, as revealed in “The Big Hiatus”, a brag, which is a sort of magical horse that lures people to ride it and then bucks them into ponds.
And I just discovered that Gary and Shauna get a mention on the Wikipedia page.