Dad: Goodness, what are you cooking? Tia Carmen: It's a five-course meal! Tia Carmen: It seems like a lot, but I'm in great shape! I'm in the best health I've ever been! Dad: Carmen, are you okay? Tia Carmen: Sergio, you can't put me in a nursing home!
margueritem over 14 years ago
Morning, Gweedo. I think you’re right.
TOMOTH over 14 years ago
Hey Folks; I am part of the “Mexican Community” here in San Diego, Ca. It is NOT a HISPANIC community: everyone is FROM Mexico.
Anyway, some “things” can be said about them being here illegally - but they live the Bible commandment “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother”.
No one puts their parents in “a home”. They take care of them themselves. Yes, they may have a visiting nurse to help out - but the parents don’t get put away and out of view.
Yeah - it can be tough to be an illegal alien in the US - but when it comes to family, they have some pretty high standards that it would be nice to take into account.
regards, TOMOTH
Potrzebie over 14 years ago
Don’t marketers find out whom lives where and then start spamming them with targeted materials?
ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago
Thanx, C&C, for not stretching this out. I knew Tia couldn’t hold it in, though I’d expect less desperate & more disgruntled, “After all I’ve done for you.”
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
What do illegal immigrants have to do with this strip or this situation?
Yakety Sax over 14 years ago
toon in tomorrow….