Tia Carmen's old world wisdom: "Never put off 'til tomrrow... what will grow legs and walk off today"
So Baldo was put off?
I think she forgot to wear a mask.
That was my daughter’s room once upon a time.
@night- I think this is a case of teens letting the adults do the cleaning. Doesn’t matter if the teens are boys or girls.
jpsomebody over 13 years ago
So Baldo was put off?
Number Three over 13 years ago
Potrzebie over 13 years ago
I think she forgot to wear a mask.
cbrsarah over 13 years ago
That was my daughter’s room once upon a time.
bryan42 over 13 years ago
@night- I think this is a case of teens letting the adults do the cleaning. Doesn’t matter if the teens are boys or girls.