Happy Easter Candy Sale Day, everybody…..
Bring some Peeps™ or a chocolate bunny….
and join us up on the deck, where we’ll be posting our observations of….
Which you can read on Sherpa:
It’s a fine little deck…. but, as I warned Glen, when he was buying 4 foot lumber from the off-cuts bin….
it’s a bit small, when we all get together…
Maybe I’ll stand on the porch, instead….
and some of you can join me there, OK?
We can just swap places now and then, to share the Easter goodies.
Say…. I guess all the April Fool’s Day candy ought to be on sale as well…. (the matzoh sale won’t start for another week.)
I’m just glad that Glen is OK, and that, with that crazy Allen’s help, once he got his heart rate down,
he did get the lawn mowed yesterday, in time for our observation party.
Happy Easter Candy Sale Day, everybody…..
Bring some Peeps™ or a chocolate bunny….
and join us up on the deck, where we’ll be posting our observations of….
the April 2nd  2018 “CLEO and COMPANY”Which you can read on Sherpa:
It’s a fine little deck…. but, as I warned Glen, when he was buying 4 foot lumber from the off-cuts bin….
it’s a bit small, when we all get together…
Maybe I’ll stand on the porch, instead….
and some of you can join me there, OK?
We can just swap places now and then, to share the Easter goodies.
Say…. I guess all the April Fool’s Day candy ought to be on sale as well…. (the matzoh sale won’t start for another week.)
I’m just glad that Glen is OK, and that, with that crazy Allen’s help, once he got his heart rate down,
he did get the lawn mowed yesterday, in time for our observation party.