Oh my…..
I did doze off for just a wee moment, I admit….
but now I’m wondering….. did I ever wake up?
Things seem… a bit…. off.
I’d like to welcome everyone to this lovely old block of Ballard Street, to talk about
the August 31st  2018 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Which we usually read on Sherpa
But I’m hesitant to send anyone there at this moment….
I mean… sure….. Episode Seven of Robin Hound starts out well….
and it’s as beautiful as ever….
but unless I’m still dreaming…. and either Dennis is, too, or I dreamt his comment….
it has quite a hitch in its get-along (as probably no one has really said ever. )
Chances are, though, that if you’re reading this late Friday morning,
the problem will have been addressed, and you won’t know what I mean.
If so… carry on.
PS: Nighthawks, Stel, or whoever is actually addressing the problem:
Please don’t put my address on it.
I hate to be uncooperative… but I’m afraid I’ll have to refuse delivery.
Anyway… then I look up…. to see a lovely Ballard St back yard, on a fine August day,
where I thought that perhaps we could picnic a bit…
(on nice fresh bread and blueberry turnovers, both from my bakery…
and a couple of kinds of cheese… beautiful yak cheddar from the Tiki, and some creamy Havarti from the deli… sorry… I digress… )
But what do I see?
Four … count them, four kittycats about to attack poor Roscoe!
Not only is that very strange, and dangerous….
though the Monkey does warn people about cats, and I don’t believe him….
But I think maybe Dennis sees another _dog _there…. and I don’t.
Oh my…..
I did doze off for just a wee moment, I admit….
but now I’m wondering….. did I ever wake up?
Things seem… a bit…. off.
I’d like to welcome everyone to this lovely old block of Ballard Street, to talk about
the August 31st  2018 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Which we usually read on Sherpa
But I’m hesitant to send anyone there at this moment….
I mean… sure….. Episode Seven of Robin Hound starts out well….
and it’s as beautiful as ever….
but unless I’m still dreaming…. and either Dennis is, too, or I dreamt his comment….
it has quite a hitch in its get-along (as probably no one has really said ever. )
Chances are, though, that if you’re reading this late Friday morning,
the problem will have been addressed, and you won’t know what I mean.
If so… carry on.
PS: Nighthawks, Stel, or whoever is actually addressing the problem:
Please don’t put my address on it.
I hate to be uncooperative… but I’m afraid I’ll have to refuse delivery.
Anyway… then I look up…. to see a lovely Ballard St back yard, on a fine August day,
where I thought that perhaps we could picnic a bit…
(on nice fresh bread and blueberry turnovers, both from my bakery…
and a couple of kinds of cheese… beautiful yak cheddar from the Tiki, and some creamy Havarti from the deli… sorry… I digress… )
But what do I see?
Four … count them, four kittycats about to attack poor Roscoe!
Not only is that very strange, and dangerous….
though the Monkey does warn people about cats, and I don’t believe him….
But I think maybe Dennis sees another _dog _there…. and I don’t.