One more thing…. sorry… my comments are already too long….
can’t skip it though…
Nighthawks! It’s exciting that you’ll be posting more new work…..
and YES!!
I was just sure that Sunday’s strip was new, but I didn’t believe it, because you’ve said you wouldn’t do that.
The style is different…. hope you don’t mind my saying it, but
Cleo and Claude are both drawn more and more expressively….
though some past strips, like the Robin Hound series, stand out for their artwork, and I wanted to compare.
I started looking through some, just to prove it to myself…..
but I fell asleep…. and never made it here…
and last night I had another post planned, and couldn’t do it.
Tonight I’m saying too much, but at least I’m awake!
As for my memory “like a steel trap”…. LOL….
a very very rusty one, that works selectively,
catching the tiniest of prey, while the big game gets away without a scratch.
But thanks for the (misplaced) vote of confidence.
Oh…. while I’m here…. GoComics has come up with another “update” I hope is just a glitch.
I’ve been having to do some of my visits here via my android phone and tablet.
A week or so ago, user’s profile pages on mobile devices stopped showing their last ten comments.
I’ve since found that they’re missing, even on a computer, in any window that’s less than full screen.
Comments in the forums show up fine…. but if I want to go to my profile and link to my last ten posts…. I can’t, unless I’m on my computer.
On a little phone, it’s a pain to open the whole “My Comics” page and try to remember where I posted….
and I can’t follow anybody else, or check on the Monkey, etc.
I wrote to GC about it…. a tech sent me a screenshot of a Ziggy strip (!) with comments to “prove” they were visible.
I just wrote again to explain profile pages.
Fingers crossed.
One more thing…. sorry… my comments are already too long….
can’t skip it though…
Nighthawks! It’s exciting that you’ll be posting more new work…..
and YES!!
I was just sure that Sunday’s strip was new, but I didn’t believe it, because you’ve said you wouldn’t do that.
The style is different…. hope you don’t mind my saying it, but
Cleo and Claude are both drawn more and more expressively….
though some past strips, like the Robin Hound series, stand out for their artwork, and I wanted to compare.
I started looking through some, just to prove it to myself…..
but I fell asleep…. and never made it here…
and last night I had another post planned, and couldn’t do it.
Tonight I’m saying too much, but at least I’m awake!
As for my memory “like a steel trap”…. LOL….
a very very rusty one, that works selectively,
catching the tiniest of prey, while the big game gets away without a scratch.
But thanks for the (misplaced) vote of confidence.
Oh…. while I’m here…. GoComics has come up with another “update” I hope is just a glitch.
I’ve been having to do some of my visits here via my android phone and tablet.
A week or so ago, user’s profile pages on mobile devices stopped showing their last ten comments.
I’ve since found that they’re missing, even on a computer, in any window that’s less than full screen.
Comments in the forums show up fine…. but if I want to go to my profile and link to my last ten posts…. I can’t, unless I’m on my computer.
On a little phone, it’s a pain to open the whole “My Comics” page and try to remember where I posted….
and I can’t follow anybody else, or check on the Monkey, etc.
I wrote to GC about it…. a tech sent me a screenshot of a Ziggy strip (!) with comments to “prove” they were visible.
I just wrote again to explain profile pages.
Fingers crossed.