OK….it’s after midnight… about two hours after the “turn”… and I poked into all the comments.
I truly don’t see anyone here but me.
No Liverlips… no Farside…. and no Dennis (who seems to think he’s allowed to not comment just because he’s far away.)
So… welcome to all…. whenever you arrive, to comment on
the April 15th  2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Which you’ll find on Sherpa
To “sink” your iPad to your iTunes in the cloud, Claude, you need to have an iTunes up there….
and to download thousands of MP3’s…. you need to have stored them there.
Which makes me ask two questions…..
Why did you buy an iPad?
And where did little Billy get the moolah to have thousands of songs in his?
Is he proficient enough to upload CDs and such, and convert the music to MP3? Or get music from YouTube?
Or did he buy all those songs with his allowance…
in which case he either gets a LOT of lunch money, and never eats…
Or he’s really 83 years old, still getting an allowance, and only looks 8.
The strip itself looks new, but made by incorporating a few secondhand parts…. some older than others.
Is that true, Nighthawks?
Of course, this could be a fresh appearance of Billy at the door, and a new version of Cleo with chips and the remote… but it looks quite familiar.
The joke is new…. and that’s what matters!
As for Garrett…
You know, at the doughnut shop, you can choose plain or glazed, and it’s no big deal.
When it comes to a window…. you pretty much oughta choose “glazed”.
At least no one can say Garrett doesn’t do windows.
OK….it’s after midnight… about two hours after the “turn”… and I poked into all the comments.
I truly don’t see anyone here but me.
No Liverlips… no Farside…. and no Dennis (who seems to think he’s allowed to not comment just because he’s far away.)
So… welcome to all…. whenever you arrive, to comment on
the April 15th  2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Which you’ll find on Sherpa
To “sink” your iPad to your iTunes in the cloud, Claude, you need to have an iTunes up there….
and to download thousands of MP3’s…. you need to have stored them there.
Which makes me ask two questions…..
Why did you buy an iPad?
And where did little Billy get the moolah to have thousands of songs in his?
Is he proficient enough to upload CDs and such, and convert the music to MP3? Or get music from YouTube?
Or did he buy all those songs with his allowance…
in which case he either gets a LOT of lunch money, and never eats…
Or he’s really 83 years old, still getting an allowance, and only looks 8.
The strip itself looks new, but made by incorporating a few secondhand parts…. some older than others.
Is that true, Nighthawks?
Of course, this could be a fresh appearance of Billy at the door, and a new version of Cleo with chips and the remote… but it looks quite familiar.
The joke is new…. and that’s what matters!
As for Garrett…
You know, at the doughnut shop, you can choose plain or glazed, and it’s no big deal.
When it comes to a window…. you pretty much oughta choose “glazed”.
At least no one can say Garrett doesn’t do windows.