Hi, everybody!
I’m baaaack…..
Well, ok…. um… you didn’t? …. oh….
Anyway… here we are again….
posting comments on one of my favorite posters by Stelbel….
in the May 2nd  2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
It’s right there on on Sherpa…
Yay…. “Howlin’ in the Rain”!
I love that movie… I mean, what’s not to love, anyway?
Debbie “Good Girl” Rayhounds at her cutest, still puppyish, best….
The agile, paw-snapping, howling and dancing antics of Donald O’Basset…
And best of all,the incredible, unforgettable dancing of Gene Kellydog…. my favorite movie dancer.
Who could forget those scenes of them actually howling in the rain?
You know… humans remade this film….
but, though I am, of course, a human …. yes I am, Stel! …..
I think humans are simply incapable of being as engaging and adorable as basset hounds.
I’ve seen this movie dozens of times….
and I found the cutest little souvenir.
You have to see this:
Oooh…. I just talked to the manager of the BassetPlexII, and told him we’re Cleo fans who’d all love to see this revival….
This time, he couldn’t give us free tickets cos it’s a short run……
But he said if we can go this afternoon at 3:12pm, we can get in for the puppy price…. $1.65…
and he’ll give us free hot dogs and kibblecorn.
Who’s coming with me?
Hi, everybody!
I’m baaaack…..
Well, ok…. um… you didn’t? …. oh….
Anyway… here we are again….
posting comments on one of my favorite posters by Stelbel….
in the May 2nd  2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
It’s right there on on Sherpa…
Yay…. “Howlin’ in the Rain”!
I love that movie… I mean, what’s not to love, anyway?
Debbie “Good Girl” Rayhounds at her cutest, still puppyish, best….
The agile, paw-snapping, howling and dancing antics of Donald O’Basset…
And best of all,the incredible, unforgettable dancing of Gene Kellydog…. my favorite movie dancer.
Who could forget those scenes of them actually howling in the rain?
You know… humans remade this film….
but, though I am, of course, a human …. yes I am, Stel! …..
I think humans are simply incapable of being as engaging and adorable as basset hounds.
I’ve seen this movie dozens of times….
and I found the cutest little souvenir.
You have to see this:
Oooh…. I just talked to the manager of the BassetPlexII, and told him we’re Cleo fans who’d all love to see this revival….
This time, he couldn’t give us free tickets cos it’s a short run……
But he said if we can go this afternoon at 3:12pm, we can get in for the puppy price…. $1.65…
and he’ll give us free hot dogs and kibblecorn.
Who’s coming with me?